We are so thrilled to have you here.

The Freedom Frequency Family is a community committed to full self-expression and freedom through weaving together Frequency, Community, and Wealth Creation.

As a member of this community, you have access to a beautiful ecosystem of resources, done for you systems, trainings, zoom calls, and connection that will guide you and bridge where you are now, and where you want to be.

*bookmark this page so you can come back to it*

Getting Started:

To get started in your journey with Healy & launching your business, take 30 minutes to go through steps 1-5 to help orient you within this space, and set yourself up for success.

These steps are the foundation whether you’re here to transform the trajectory of your financial reality, bring powerful solutions to humanity at this time, expand your connection and community, or all three, START HERE.


 Join our Frequency Family Telegram Hub. This is our center of communication where you can connect with the community,  find all of the information you need about the latest calls and events, and can ask questions about the device, business, or anything else that may arise during this journey.

Freedom Frequency Family Hub
Announcement Only Thread


Every Monday & Thursday
10am pacific | 1pm eastern


Momentum Mondays / Open Community Calls
Learn about how we are using frequency, business, and community to support us to thrive!
These calls are open to guests, and are a chance for those who are interested to peek behind the curtain and learn about what we are doing. 

Team Call Thursdays / Business Incubator
In these calls, we'll be moving you through the foundational leadership skills to expand you to thrive in your business.
We'll have many different leaders & voices of our community share their stories & best practices.

*Make sure to add the calls as a regularly scheduled meeting in your calendar to be with us live. Replays will be sent to your email weekly.


 First things first, download the Welcome Checklist. This short PDF will help you keep track of the steps you need to take to get plugged in and launch your business.
And download the Business Blueprint Worksheet. This simple worksheet is your guide and blueprint to starting your business. Fill it out within your first week of joining, and set a call with your upline to go over it together!
You can also go ahead & access the Meet Your Healy Guidebook. This is a short pdf that will help you get set up with using your healy. Make sure to save it as a reference for how to use the apps, the different scans, set up the maghealy, and troubleshooting.


The first step to becoming visible, sharing your story, and beginning to connect with people about your excitement around Healy, is to find your WHY. Your “why” is simply your reason for being here. Your driving force. Your inspiration. 

Use the "Find Your Why" worksheet below to help guide you.


 It's time to get visible + start sharing! Posting for your first 11 days is magnetic, and a powerful way to kick off your new journey with Healy. Use the prompts in this guide to get started.


Now, start to dream into who you know that may be praying for this, who may be looking for a deep shift in their life, who you can be in service to bring solutions to, who you would love to work with or be more connected to.
From this place, write a list of names from a place of guided intuition.



Once you have completed the exercises of the first four steps, reach out to your upline to do an onboarding call. Make sure to bring the Business Blueprint Worksheet with you to go over together!


Below you will find a list of different worksheets that you will need as you launch your business. You can also access all of the worksheets in your Welcome Checklist PDF.
 ✦  Download the tracker sheet. Use this sheet to keep track of who you are in conversation with. Continue to follow up and keep connecting and following up. Water your seeds over time and they will grow!
 ✦  Download the monthly vision sheet. Use this worksheet to set your vision and goals at the beginning of each month!
Fast Start Worksheet
GAME Worksheet