When you join the Frequency Family, you become apart
of our thriving community and support network.
We believe that when individuals come together with a shared vision, passion, and support, incredible things can be achieved on an individual, communal, and global level.
The Frequency Family is committed to helping support every person that joins us on this path so that they may embark on their own personal growth journey into finding their inner voice and power, and their unique gifts that they are meant to share with the world.
We are here to support you, give you the tools and resources you need to grow and thrive in this business, and provide you a space to co-create so that we may all rise together.
Our community is here to hold your hand, and lift you up, as you begin this new path.
We are here to support you as you learn everything you need to know about Healy, the business, and other tools that may help you along your personal growth journey. We have multiple communal chats and sub-threads where you can reach out and ask any questions that you may come up as you start working with your Healy and in the business.
You can also be part of inspiring weekly calls where you can learn more about Healy and how you can use it for different areas of your life, a variety of personal development topics, and more in depth about the abundant business that you can create with Healy.
You will be learning from some incredible leaders within the community who have been teaching for many years, and have an overflow of knowledge to share.
This is a space where we can co-create and weave together our passions and offerings, to further expand them into the world.
The community is not only here to support you as you learn and dive into the business, but it is a space where connections and deep, life-long bonds are formed. It is here within this space that passions and interests are woven together, and beautiful dreams and projects blossom.
Beyond our weekly calls, we have different community platforms such as circle and telegram that our the heart of our family. These are spaces where you can connect with other individuals who share the same interests as you, find ways to support and co-create together, and more!